Thursday, August 28, 2008

Schedule I

Writing Skills III
Professor Flanagan
Fall 2008
Schedule I: Sept. 3 - Oct. 22

PLEASE NOTE: This schedule is a tentative schedule of assignments; it is subject to change at any time.

Week One
Wednesday, Sept. 3:
Introduction to the course and each other.
Distribution of syllabi and schedules.
Introduction to the portfolio system of writing assessment.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Purchase the textbook and other materials for the class.
2. Read “An Introduction to Writing” on p. 74-89. You do not have to turn in the activities on those pages, but you would benefit from completing them on your own.
3. Read “Types of Essays” and “Rhetorical Patterns of Organization,” p. 6-7. Be prepared to discuss this information in class.

Friday, Sept. 5:
Discuss readings.
Five-paragraph essay structure.
Thesis statements and topic sentences.
Writing process.
Prewriting activity if time permits.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Read about the writing process on p. 94-107. You do not have to turn in the activities on those pages.
2. Read about introductions, conclusions, and titles, p. 160-166.

Week Two
Monday, Sept. 8:
Writing a summary: instructions and activity.
Reading-based essays: a brief introduction/essay structure.
MLA format.
Read and discuss "Dad" by Andrew H. Malcolm.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Type a one-paragraph summary of “Andrew H. Malcom." Be sure to follow the formatting instructions.

Wednesday, Sept. 10:
Due today: summary
Activities p. 107-115
Exemplification pattern.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1.Complete activities p. 114-120

Friday, Sept. 12:
Review homework.
Activities pg. 122-128.
Intro to subjects, predicates, fragments.
Time in class to create outlines for the Exemplification essay.
Time in class to draft the first essay.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Type your reading-based, Exemplification essay on someone who has influenced you. Proofread your work as if you are submitting a final draft. Do not just rely on SpellCheck. Read and edit carefully for typos and spelling mistakes. A lack of proofreading will pull down your class participation grade. Draft due Wednesday, Sept. 17.

Week Three
Monday, Sept. 15:
Quick review: Subjects, predicates and fragments.
Narration pattern.
Any questions about drafting Exemplification essay?
Exercises p. 132-134.
Myth quiz.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Study for a quiz on subjects, verbs, predicates.
2. Finish on Exemplification essay.

Wednesday, Sept. 17:
Due today: first (typed) draft of the Exemplification essay on influential person
Activities p. 137-138.
Look at students' essays and discuss problem areas.
Narration pattern review.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Read “The Professor is a Dropout” on pages 652-658.
2. Type a summary of “The Professor is a Dropout.”

Friday, Sept. 19:
Due today: summary of “The Professor is a Dropout”
Review summaries.
Activities #1 & #2 on pg. 462-463.
Activities p. 658-660.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Activity #3 and #4 pg. 464-466

Week Four
Monday, Sept. 22:
Review and check HW.
Quiz on fragments.
Review mistakes in papers.
Review ROs. Quiz next week?
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Activities #2, #3, and #4 starting on Pg. 477.

Wednesday, Sept 24:
Clarity and wordiness.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Work on typing the first draft of your Narrative essay. It is due Monday, Sept 29.

Friday, Sept. 26:
Hand back Exemplification Essay drafts.
Review mistakes.
Review HW from Monday.
Questions on Narrative essay?
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Finish typing Narrative Essay.
2. Bring a magazine with ads to class.

Week Five
Monday, Sept. 29:
Due today: Did you remember to bring a magazine?
Due today: first (typed) draft of Narrative essay (on the influential person)
Discussion of “Propaganda Techniques in Today’s Advertising” (Magazine activity?).
Intro to Classification pattern.
Homework to complete by Wed., Oct. 8:
1. Complete Review Test One, Two, and Three on pages 470-472. For the first test, do NOT follow the directions in the book. Instead, follow these instructions: handwrite the entire paragraph LEGIBLY on a separate piece of paper (if I can’t read it, you lose points) while correcting the fragments as you go. Do NOT type it. No sentence should contain a fragment once you have finished writing the paragraph. To complete the exercise well, you should first review the chapter on fragments (p. 460-469). Do not forget to put your name on your paper and to label the homework with the correct page numbers. Due Friday, Oct. 3.

Wednesday, Oct. 1:
Organization and transitions.
Classification pattern? (if time)
NOTE: Final draft of Exemplification Essay due Oct. 10.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Activity #4 p.494

Friday, Oct. 3:
Review HW.
Review midterm portfolio requirements
Verbs: regular and irregular
Review Run-ons
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Work on Classification essay. Due Monday, Oct. 13.
2. Verbs (regular/irregular) activity #4 p.494.

Week Six
Monday, Oct. 6:
Comma usage.
Discuss cover letters for portfolio.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Comma Review Test 1 and 2.

Wednesday, Oct. 8:
Review Narrative essays and hand back.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Work on the first draft of your Classification Essay (on propaganda techniques).

Friday, Oct. 10:
Progress reports.
Review fragments, commas, quotations.
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Portfolio
2. RD Classification Essay.
3. Page 578 both review tests due Wed. Oct. 15.

Week Seven
Monday, Oct. 13:
Due today: first (typed) draft of your Classification Essay on propaganda
Write cover letters in class.
Homework to complete by the next class:
!. Review Tests 3 and 4 (commas) due Wed. Oct. 15

Wednesday, Oct. 15:
Due today: final draft of your Narrative essay (on the influential person)
Run-on sentences
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Work on the final draft of your Classification essay (on propaganda techniques)
2. Due Friday, Oct. 17: Complete Review Test 2 and Review Test 3 on pages 484-485. For Test 2, you must write out the sentences, and for Test 3, you must write out the entire paragraph. Do NOT type your answers for either, and be sure to write LEGIBLY so that you do not lose points. Do not use only one method of correction in these tests. You must demonstrate your knowledge of all methods of correcting run-ons. To complete these exercises well, you should first review the chapter on run-ons (p. 474-482). Do not forget to put your name on your paper and to label the homework with the correct page numbers.

Friday, Oct. 17:
Due today: pages 484-485
Grammar Gremlins
Other punctuation marks
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. RT#1 on Other Punctuation Marks.

Week Eight
Monday, Oct. 20:
Timed Essay - Definitive
Homework to complete by the next class:
1. Revise the essay that you would like to submit in the midterm portfolio, and bring all drafts of it with you to the next class, including the final draft. Prepare portfolios.

Wednesday, Oct. 22:
Due today: midterm portfolios!
Time to type cover letters
Distribution of the new schedule of assignments.

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