Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Practice Test #2

Boy oh boy, the chores on this here farm sure are hard. I work out here all day long and don't even earn a thousand dollars per week. The sun beats down and I can feel the sweat drip down my face. From dawn until dusk, I am out here hustling apple seeds. Then at the end of the day, when the sun go down, I finally got my rest. I dig a hole in the sand and, while thinking of all the work I did that day, calls it a day.

The hardest chore has got to be milking the cows. Sometimes, as I'm milking, the cow kicks me in the face. Then blood started gushing from my nose, and it gets mixed in with the milk. That means I have to throw out the milk; nobody wants blood in their milk. Also, one cow, Harry, always passes gas in my face. My face turning blue, while Harry is smiling.

After milking the cows I have to feed the chickens so they don't get too skinny. Although this is not a fun job. I always find something amusing while I'm doing it. For example my favorite chicken, Henrietta, will call the other chicken's names to distract them while she hogs all the best feed. One disadvantage however is that the coop stinks. I have to hold my nose the hole time I'm in there. But I don't pass judgement on them.

Another arduous chore are cleaning the pigs. They always insist on rolling around in the mud all day long, so when it comes time to clean them, they are very dirty pigs indeed. Usually I get my power washer and spray the pork out of them. It looks like they're in pain as I am spraying them but I think those squeals are squeals of pleasure, not of pain. By the time I'm done with them, they are squeaky clean.

Finally, I have to shear the sheep. There coats are snow white, and so I use the wool to make sweaters. Sweaters that will keep you warm in Antarctica. The sheep love the feel of the razor buzzing along their backs. They grin and they squeak with delight. Some even buy me gift certificates to say thank you.

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